AS 4801 Safety Systems

Australian Risk Services specialises in providing safety audits against the requirements of AS 4801, ISO18001, ISO 45001.

The adoption and implementation of a range of effective AS 4801 safety systems in a systematic manner can contribute to optimal safety performance. Organisations of all kinds and sizes can achieve significant benefits by adopting a systematic approach to managing occupational health and safety (OHS) and developing OHS management systems (OHSMS) within the context of:

  • The general growth of concern from all interested parties about OHS matters
  • Changes to legislations
  • Other measures to foster sustained OHS improvement

There are many reasons why organisations implement an OHSMS including legal imperatives, ethical concerns, industrial relations considerations and to improve financial performance. Implementation of an effective OHSMS should, however, primarily lead to reduction of workplace illness and injury, minimising the costs associated with workplace accidents.

OHSMS are also used by some organisations to demonstrate, internally and in some cases externally (via self-declaration or self-certification/registration as appropriate), that they are systematically controlling the risks to all persons affected by the organisation’s activities, products or services.

Australia Risk Services are a lead OHS auditor who can create an OHSMS plan for your business or audit your existing safety management system. By using a qualified OHS auditor, you can be assured your OHSMS plan will achieve your goals, whether they’re to improve worker safety, financial returns or a combination of both. Australian Risk Services also specialises in developing OHSMS for companies Australia wide.

NAT Audit Tool

NAT Audit Tool for Self Insurance & AS4801, ISO18001, ISO45001

NAT Audit Tool has been developed by Self Insurance Association and relevant work Safe Authority to enable organisations to assess their policies and procedures, plan improvements, benchmark and gain recognition for the achievement of standards. In achieving NAT Audit Tool you will achieve Australian Standards for OHS Management Systems AS4801 and what is considered best practice.

The NAT Audit Tool is an audit tool that provides the means to undertake an independent audit and review of an organisations health and safety management system. This helps to establish safer working environment that will protect people at work by eliminating, or better managing, hazards. This is consistent with the requirements of legislation.

The audit criteria within NAT enable an organisation to:

  • Measure the performance of its health & safety program
  • Implement a cycle of continual improvement
  • Compare its system to a recognised benchmark
  • Gain recognition for the standards achieved by its management of health & safety
Safety Risks Assessments

The audit criteria describe features one might observe in a robust health and Safety Management System. However an organisation may not require all of these features to have an effective system. The system components should be based on organisational needs, circumstances and risk exposure, not an audit tool. A health and safety management system audit is a systematic examination to determine whether activities and related results comply with planned arrangements’. It should evaluate whether these arrangements are implemented and will effectively achieve the organisations objectives.

The audits should identify procedures that are not fully effective and provide information that will assist the organisation to improve.

The scope of the audit will vary according to the needs of the organisation. Organisations may choose to focus their audits on critical areas, or they may do regular audits of the entire management system.


InjuryMAP is an assessment program designed to assist you to improve the management of injured workers in your workplace, and help return injured workers to work quickly and safely. It can also assist you as an employer to improve your management of workers’ compensation claims.

InjuryMAP assessment criteria:

  • Measure the performance of a workplace’s occupational rehabilitation management system
  • Measure the performance of a workplace’s claims management system
  • Help employers to achieve continuous improvement in claims & injury management
  • Benchmark a workplace’s performance in the management of injured workers & their claims

InjuryMAP provides a set of audit criteria that you can use to assess your workplace’s current performance. It also enables you to identify areas where you can improve the management of injured workers and their WorkCover claims.

InjuryMAP’s assessment process helps to determine priorities and allocate resources in a way that best suits your workplace’s needs. InjuryMAP is based on Victoria’s workers’ compensation legislation but can be adapted to suit workplaces throughout Australia.

InjuryMAP is based on the principle that the management of injured workers and their compensation claims are not isolated form the way a workplace conducts its day-to-day business: injury management should be fully integrated with other management functions such as health and safety and human resources. InjuryMAP can be used by all types of workplaces.

Level 1 measures compliance with basic legislative requirements. Together, levels 1 & 2 measure complete injury management systems.

Environmental Management System Audits ISO14001

We assist our clients to:

  • Establish an environmental policy appropriate to itself
  • Identify the environmental aspects arising from the organisation’s past, existing or planned activities, products or services, to determine the environmental impacts of significance
  • Identify the relevant legislative & regulatory requirements
  • Identify priorities & set appropriate environmental objectives & targets
  • Establish a structure & (a) program(s) to implement the policy & achieve objectives & targets
  • Facilitate planning, control, monitoring, corrective action, auditing & review activities to ensure both that the policy is complied with & that the environmental management system remains appropriate
  • Be capable of adapting to changing circumstances